Author: admin

Ask anybody around and a bunch of people are dealing with or are fighting off anemia. According to the best hematologist in Multan, anemia is far more common than people give it credit for. Anemia that is due to iron deficiency is the most common subtype of anemia to exist. Thus it is important for people to have an understanding of the top iron-rich foods for anemia that can help with the heme content.  But let us first discuss the common symptoms of anemia: A sudden feeling of tiredness Numbness in the lower limbsIrregular breathing pattern LightheadednessBurden on chest Cold hands and feet Severe…

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Nephritic colic constitutes 3.5% of all hospital emergencies. It is the most common cause of urological pain, which begins in the lumbar region and typically radiates to the iliac fossa, inguinal region, and genitalia. Learn to identify and alleviate it. Nephritic colic is an acute pain that occurs due to hyper pressure in the urinary tract due to an obstruction in the passage of urine (in normal conditions, the pressure is 15 mmHg, but in renal colic, it can reach the figure 100 mmHg). In most cases, it is incredibly intense pain that starts in the lower back and spreads,…

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